Burnout: A Group + Book Club

Join us June 1 & 15 at 6:30pm for 2 hours as part of a group reading club!
Burnout: the secret of unlocking the stress cycle By: Emily & Amelia Nagoski

ABOUT THE BOOK (written by the authors)
BURNOUT is for women (or anyone) who has felt overwhelmed and exhausted by everything they have to do, yet still worried they weren’t doing “enough.”

We wrote it because it’s the book we needed ourselves. It contains the science and stories that helped us through some of the roughest times of our lives and even may have saved Amelia’s life - twice.

Wellness is not a state of mind, but a state of action. It is the freedom to move through the innate cycles and oscillations of being human - from effort to rest and back, from connection to autonomy and back, from adventure to homecoming and back. But we have been lied to our whole lives about what wellness “should” look like, and rejecting that lie, all those myths about “having it all” and “finally achieving lasting peace” is how we create space in our lives for that free action through the cycle of being human.

We know…it sounds life changing!

Registration will be $100 (GST included) for 2 sessions: June 1 & 15 2022 6:30pm for 2 hours facilitated by Therapists Beth Scholes & Brynn Gillies

Optional 3rd session for an exciting book debrief on June 29th for an additional investment of $50

What you can expect:
Attend the first session having read the introduction and chapters 1 - 4 inclusive.
We will ask you to choose the most relevant question from the readers discussion guide (noted in book) you want to process (letting us know in advance for planning purposes.)

Repeat for June 15, completing the second half of book and taking a deep dive into the discussion.

As most peoples schedules can shift at the end of June, the 3rd session is optional and a bonus session! (we will require a minimum 8 participants to run this session).

Total investment is $150 for all 3 sessions, cost of the book is not included.

Let’s get started! Contact our office to snag a spot, this group is being offered by popular request and WILL SELL OUT!


Why am I feeling so anxious?


Struggling with your mood? Try our group!